Next Gen Utility Infrastructure Operations: 7 Key Drivers of Change

Technology is evolving exponentially. IT-driven developments and technological breakthroughs are changing the utility DNA as we know it. AI, machine learning and IoT holds tremendous disruptive challenges as well as a myriad of new opportunities.

In this guide, Knut E. Gustavsen, briefly outlines seven important changes utilities must adapt to while providing solutions and tips for each. 


  1. Silo Mentality Breakdown
  2. Physical Infrastructure Utilized for Different Tasks
  3. IoT, Big Data and the Need for New IT Platforms
  4. Cyber Security
  5. Higher Customer Expectations
  6. The Emergence of Automated Operations and Response Centers
  7. Utilities Serving the Local Community

About the author:

Knut-Gustavsen.jpgKnut E. Gustavsen is CVP and co-founder of eSmart Systems. He holds a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Bristol University (UK). Knut has more than 20 years of experience managing, developing and delivering IT solutions to the energy industry world-wide.

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